Relatório anual PTSOC 2023
No Dia da Internet Mais Segura, o Centro de Operações de Segurança do .PT – PTSOC, apresentou o relatório anual, um resumo dos principais acontecimentos e tendências que se observaram em 2023 no domínio da cibersegurança e coloca em perspetiva os principais desafios que se antecipam para 2024.
PTSOC is the .PT Security Operations Center and aims to deepen the capabilities for detecting, responding to and preventing security incidents and cybersecurity threats and the levels of cooperation in the context of the domain name management ecosystem, in particularly with the national authority, .pt registrars and users, contributing to the preservation of a sacure and reliable cyberspace under .pt.
Our mission is to prevent, detect, evaluate and respond to cybersecurity threats and incidents in the networks, information systems and context of .PT, providing an appropriate approach for rapid and effective law-enforcement cooperation with all stakeholders, namely Portuguese authorities, partners and users.